Vocabulary list "Dead Poets Society" – the film (based on ideas by Lucille Grindhammer) Section 1 (scenes 1 - 9): 1. Banners up 2. pillars 3. to graduate 4. Ivy League 5. fervent dedication 6. preparatory school 7. roommates 8. vaporizer 9. study group 10. to look like a stiff 11. footlicking 12. National Merit Scholar 13. extra-curricular activities 14. annual 15. to fester 16. weakling
Section 3 (scenes 23 - 36): 1. to cut out the racket 2. to reconvene 3. initiate 4. intermittent 5. jigsaw puzzle 6. demented madman 7. exhausted 8. twerp 9. endeavour 10. to woo 11. root canal work 12. dagger 13. quiet desperation 14. morose 15. lemming
Section 5 (scenes 53 - 59): 1. pipes 2. to join in 3. sonorous 4. clarinet 5. saxophone 6. calm 7. to take a stroll 8. to stride 9. pace 10. ridicule 11. conformity 12. herd 13. to swim against the stream 14. desk set 15. aerodynamic
Section 7 (scenes 79 - 81): 1. screwed 2. to have the gift 3. speechless 4. to defy 5. to ruin 6. Military School 7. lifetime 8. prison term
Section 2 (scenes 10 - 22): 1. spooky 2. to hustle up 3. engaged 4. jerk. 5. Ph. D. 6. artfully 7. to render 8. excrement 9. bandstand 10. to rip out 11. to savour 12. to achieve 13. to sidle up 14. to sustain life 15. to contribute 16. misguided 17. free thinker 18. cynic 19. realist 20. Senior Annual 21. favourably 22. to swoon 23. to suck marrow out of life
Section 4 (scenes 37 - 52): 1. open tryouts 2. summer stock audition 3. to disobey 4. to bud out 5. immature 6. devotees 7. to excel 8. to exalt 9. stuff of revelation 10. to put s.o. out of his misery 11. gibberish
Section 6 (scenes 60 - 78): 1. profane 2. guilty 3. unauthorized 4. expulsion 5. to smirk 6. unorthodox 7. impressionable 8. to reprimand 9. lame stunt 10. absurd 11. dutiful 12. indentured servant 13. trapped 14. to apologize 15. virility 16. to sneak away 17. infuriating
Section 8 (scenes 82 - 98): 1. request of 2. enquiry 3. to fink 4. scapegoat 5. honor code 6. to expel 7. to rat on sb to sb 8. cosy 9. to fry 10. expulsion papers 11. to occur 12. inspiration 13. recklessness 14. obsession 15. blatant 16. abuse 17. document